The Week Of the Top 21

So, we have got our top 21, today they performed in front of the live judges. Here’s everyone who performed and everyone who made it to the top 12 today. 

ContestantSongComments from JudgesResult
Dylan WrightWalking in Memphis“You look like a superstar so proud of you, made it work for yourself, just incredible.” – AmyTop 12
Drea OnmadeNew Rules“You remind me of the first day I met Rihanna. You don’t realize how good you are.” – KyleTop 12
Ripley WelshBack For Good“You can’t teach someone to be as cool as you are.” – MarciaTop 12
Imogen SpendloveFrom this Moment“I am at a loss for words, you have arrived looking elegant and radiant. It’s as if you were meant to be here.” – AmyTop 12
Bethany ByrneUsed To Be Young“Nice choice of song, I felt like you did an outstanding job.” – JudgesEliminated
Kobe WhiteWhen I Was Your Man“You have to not let go of the nerves, don’t let it take over, face forward, sing it and perform it.” – MarciaEliminated
Chenai BoucherZombie“I felt like the song became like a big karaoke performer, I just didn’t feel like you in this song I could sense that.” – AmyEliminated
Top 12 Contestants
Imogen Spendlove
Ripley Welsh
Dylan Wright
Drea Onmade
Eliminated Contestants
Kobe White
Chenai Boucher
Bethany Byrne

1. Dylan Wright

Walking in Memphis(Marc Cohn)

The young dad has been the gem of the show, the week’s first performance began with his performance. Styling up for the top 12 Dylan came into the show with the rendition of “Walking in Memphis” by “Marc Cohn”. With all new fresh looks steps on stage Dylan

From the judges

You look like a superstar so proud of you, made it work for yourself, just incredible,” says Amy.

Well, the judges have not many words to say as he performed just the best.

He won his spot in the top 12

Drea Onmade

New Rules (Dua Lipa)

From WA, working with everything she gets, Drea sets on to impress the audiences and make her way to the top 21. To win the hearts of the audience, she knows it is necessary to give them the best.

Performing “New Rule” by Dua Lipa, the light game favored her for sure.

 Kyle commented, “You remind me of the first day I met Rihanna. You don’t realize how good you are.” This compliment from Kyle is big. He went on to add, that it made him feel like he was watching a truly remarkable performer

Amy added to that saying,” You are you and I love to see you performing Drea”. She did a great job and she owned the stage and got her spot on the top 12.

Ripley Welsh

Back For Good (Take That)

Ripley has been going viral for his audition performance, Mamma Mia for his song and vocals, and still going strong. Today he brings on stage,” Back For Good” by “Take That”. Australian Idol even gave him a chance to work with Gary Barlow from “Take That”, giving life to dreams for sure.

You can’t teach someone to be as cool as you are,” Marcia said.

The song choice was great, hard but great, Ripley on the other hand man. He is phenomenal! He is a true performer needed onto the Australian Idol

Now is the time for you to step it up. It seems a little slippery, so don’t slip,” advised Amy.

Just be yourself and don’t worry about what others think,” commented Kyle.

Well, we love him and we will see more from him as he made it, made it to the top 12.

Imogen Spendlove

From this Moment (Shania Twain)

The factory worker from Melbourne deserves the show. She is a package. For performing on stage she worked with Hailey for the outfit today. This Million Buck performer today is singing “ From This Moment “ by “Shania Twain”. She for sure made the whole room’s heart lit up with love.

I am at a loss for words, you have arrived looking elegant and radiant. It’s as if you were meant to be here” says Amy.

You owned that, Imogen. You absolutely owned that performance”, says Marcia. “You mesmerized not only the judges but also the audience. We love you, Imogen,” she continues.

Marcia deservedly gave her fast pass to Imogen making her the first top 12” What a spectacular performance!

Bethany Byrne

Used To Be Young(Miley Cyrus)

Bethany the single mother, struggled to raise her daughter all alone, although her family have been really supportive still life doesn’t remain the same. Today she came into the show singing “Used to be young” by Miley Cyrus. That is a song for sure. Her lyrics connected the dots in her life.

Nice choice of song, I felt like you did an outstanding job, commented judges but Marcia came on to advise her that “My only criticism is the articulation” Her daughter from the audience seats loved her Momma performing and said “she deserved It”

Kobe White

When I Was Your Man (Bruno Mars)

Performing “When I Was Your Man” by “Bruno Mars”. “Man, what a performer he is”, Kobe has had great inspiration for Bruno Mars and Elvis Presley. The only problem is he can’t feel his nerves when singing but does he give it his best?

From the judges

“You have to not let go of the nerves, don’t let it take over, face forward, sing it and perform it” advised Marcia saying Trust Yourself.

The judges could feel his nerves from his vocals which is not just the good impression to be given in this round of the show.

“Get better man”, said Kyle

Chenai Boucher

Zombie (The Cranberries)

Talk about a comeback, Chenai got eliminated in her auditions but look how she has transformed. She had her worst phases: music made her way to happiness. She came back again to the how and she has been taking over the stage for sure.

Singing the 90s favorite song, Zombie by The Cranberries. Her voice suited the song; her deep vocals left the audience as fans of her.

From the judges :

Amy with her compliments and advice says,” I felt like the song became like a big karaoke performer, I just didn’t feel like you in this song I could sense that”.

The judges were all with bits of advice to improve for Chennai. “You were relatively pitchy,” says Marcia.

Australian Idol Top 12 Contestants

All the ones who made it to the top 12 in this episode

  • Imogen Spendlove 
  • Ripley Welsh Alexander
  • Dylan Wright 
  • Drea Onamde 

Eliminated Contestants

The contestants whose performed for the last time on the stage of Australian Idol were:

Kobe White, Chennai Boucher, Bethany Byrne