Space Invaders are seeking people for series 4 of the hit television show Space Invaders.
Space Invaders season 4 applications are live & Producers are organizing Space Invaders Casting Call series 3 2023.
Do you dream of renovating your home, or making over a space, but can’t make it a reality because something is holding you back?
Compulsive collecting, expanding family, kids moved out, parents leave behind their ‘precious’ objects or divorce are just some reasons that life may have tilted towards out of control.

Have the last few months made you rethink the importance of family, the use of space in your home, and why your home is so cluttered …. and now you need help to reset your priorities, regain control and rid yourself of the things holding you back, while getting a space and life makeover ?
Space Invaders Auditon 2023 – Series 3
From de-clutter to renovation making every inch of space count. It’s a transformation show for people who are “stuck in a rut” and need guidance to get on with life. If you, or someone you know is trapped we could be the solution.
You can either apply yourself or nominate a friend, relative or partner.
You must be available to take a week off work in August / September/ October/ November 2022. You or the person you nominate must be New South Wales based for purposes of the Production (preferably within 1 hour of the Sydney CBD).
Eligibility criteria & requirements for Space Invaders 2023
- Contestant must agree to take a week off work in August/September/October/November 2022.
- Contestants can apply theirself or nominate a friend, relative or partner.
- Contestant must be atleast 18 years old.
- Contestant must be within one hour of Sydney’s CDB.
- Contestant will need to take a week off work during the production period.
- Applicant must be based in New South wales for shooting & production duration.
- It’s compulsory for applicant to submit their photographs in the application.
- Applicant should not have any past criminal record or police record.
- Candidates should submit the application forms before 30 September 2022.
Deadline (Extended): midnight, 30th September, 2022
How to apply for Space Invaders applications 2024, Season/ Series 4 ?
In order to apply for Space Invaders auditions season 4 2024, you need to follow the below details :
- Enter Your address details
- Enter your contact details
- Enter your social media details
- Entre Date of Birth
- Entre your cultural background
- Occupation
- Accept Terms & Conditions
- Upload your profile photo
- Enter details about yourself and answer the following questions :
- What is the biggest issue you face in your current living environment?
- Have you taken any steps to sort out these issues?
- Do you (or the person you’re nominating) face an issue with clutter?
- Do you (or the person you’re nominating) require a renovation to a part of your home?
- What would you (or the person you’re nominating) like to do with a renovation?
- What is the biggest issue you (or the person you’re nominating) face with this space at home?
- Have you (or the person you’re nominating) investigated doing the renovation? Are you/they prepared to do it your/their self or would it need help? How much will it cost?
- Do you /they have any savings to contribute towards this renovation?
- Everyone has ups and down in life. Why do you (or the person you’re nominating) deserve this opportunity now?
- Are you (or the person you’re nominating) prepared to take a week off work in either August / September / October / November 2022 to assist?
- Are there any other people (friends/family) who would be willing to offer support on the show?
- Have you or the person you are nominating ever had an apprehended violence order made against them?
- Have you / they ever served time in prison or a correctional facility (other than a juvenile facility)?
- Have you/they ever been arrested OR charged with OR convicted of any crime (including drink driving)?
- Have you/they ever had an adverse finding made against you/them which may have resulted in any type of fine penalty or restriction by a Court in a civil case or by any other body including but not limited to a Tribunal Regulatory Authority professional body or similar?
- Are you/they currently a party to any Court or Tribunal proceedings for any type of civil or criminal matter which remains outstanding or unresolved?
- Are you/they currently under medical treatment for a condition or ailment?
- Are you/they currently or have you/they been under the care of a psychologist or psychiatrist?
- Is there any part of your/their personal life that could cause embarrassment to you or the person you nominates family if made public (i.e. personal history family friends or associates)?
- If chosen to be on the program is there any part of your personal life that you would prefer not to share on camera? (i.e social organisations activities personal history friends)
Upload Audition Video for space invaders season 4
If you can, please provide a video tour of your or your nominated’s house (less than 5 mins) and describe the areas/needs you’ve identified in your application.
This is optional.
- You can use your device/phone – but please film in landscape mode (ie: turn it on its side).
- Make sure you can be clearly heard (turn off any background sound).
- Turn on any lights in dark rooms.
- Just start at your front door and walk us through your house while you speak.
Hi . I have applied for an audition for Space Invaders 29/8/2023 but wish to cancel the application as the residents of the house in question do not want your assistance . Many thanks Peter lehane