The Amazing Race Australia Episode 3 Recap

At the start of the episode, we can see the host giving hints about where the episode will start. Yes, it was decided that the challenges would start from Kerala. All the contestants will not be racing for the third leg of Amazing Race Australia. Very soon we can see all the teams getting their first clue. The clue was to find a marked taxi and go to Marine Drive. Then all the members have to search the Marine Drive walkway for their next clue. 

All the teams are travelling along the shore of Vembanad Lake to the musical walkway bridge where they will find their next clue. We could see Emma and Hailey getting into their car and going for their next clue and just behind them were Ange and Ali. Harry and Teddy started the day being third and Emma and Hailey were at the front. The contestants who did not do very well in the previous episode got their clue after the first few of them were sent. 

Jana and Cor the mother-son duo were happy and excited to find their next clue and how it was going to be. It was Emma and Hailey were in the first spot and they were maintaining it very well. Allie and Angie along with Emma and Hailey got their clue which was a detour. In this detour, the team must choose between “Stripe it” or “Strike it”.

In the “Stripe it” challenge all the contestants had to paint the belly of a Kali dancer. Once they have successfully completed their artwork they will receive their next clue. Now, if the teams choose to strike it, then they will be playing the ancient game gilli danda. Once the contestants have scored 100 points in the game that is where they will get their next clue. 

Emma and Hailey chose “Strike It” and Allie and Angie chose “Stripe It”. On the other hand, we could see Darren and Tristan who were in third place reached their spot. They along with Harry and Teddy, Jana and Cor, got their strike it and stripe it clue. All the other teams then came to their next clue spot and thought about what should they choose. Most of the contestants chose to “Strike it” as an option. 

The first two couples came into their spot and were excited to see their next clue. On the other hand, the contestants who chose “Strike It”, had reached their spot. 

Harry and Teddy was the first one to start the challenge. All the contestants who chose the option started to learn about the sport. Very gradually they all started getting points. It was Harry and Teddy who were doing their part just amazingly.

It seemed like they picked up the game very easily. Two teams got their next clue which was a roadblock and fast forward. The Fast Forward clue was in Parakkat Jewels. Darren and Tristan along with Harry and Teddy completed their task and were now going for Fast Forward. 

The mother-son duo chose to complete the Roadblock challenge. It was a challenge which only one team member had to complete. One of them has to drive the tuk-tuk in Kerala’s RTO perfectly and then get the next clue. The two teams who chose Fast Forward, if they complete it perfectly will give them a big step ahead. These teams had to pierce their nose and surely they were not ready for it. 

On the other hand, the groups who had selected “Stripe It” have still not finished. They were spending too much time on the challenge. Allie and Angie got their first clue after they completed their challenge. Emma and Hailey also got their next clue after completing their task. Their Roadblock challenge was to go to driving school and learn how to learn a tuk-tuk. Most of them had completed their challenge and were into their next clue. 

Tristan and his team was doing the ultimate challenge which was to pierce their nose which they completed successfully and got their next clue. Their clue was to find a marked Kettuvallam houseboat on the river and find out about the next pit stop. Jana and Cor reached their Raja driving spot where they had to drive tuk-tuks. It was Cor who was going to drive the manual autorickshaw. Peter and Frankie were still in their “Stripe It” part. After a lot of effort, they received their next clue and chose Roadblock. Cor then started driving the tuk-tuk and he surely was trying his best. 

The Meenappally Kayal is loaded with holiday-makers on houseboats. In one of those houseboats, the team will find the host at the pit stop where they will go for the third leg of The Amazing Race Australia. George and Pam also chose to do the Roadblock challenge and they did not think that it was going to be very hard. Ben and Jackie also came into their Roadblock spot and were ready for their next challenge. On Cor’s sixth attempt, he finished the challenge and got their next clue which was to travel by shikara boat and find Gopal Sundar’s house chow down on Kerala’s most famous export until they find the blue banana. 

Ben completed the riding tuk-tuk challenge very early and was on to finding the blue banana. Most of the contestants were finding the tuk-tuk challenge very difficult and were having a very hard time. Very surprisingly, Emma did very well and completed the challenge. Very soon, Harry and Teddy completed the tuk-tuk challenge followed by Bec and Kate, and Peter and Frankie. It was just Alli and Angie who could not finish the tuk-tuk challenge. 

Now, all the teams have to travel 90 minutes by taxi or boat to the west coast canal system. After they came to the place they had to complete the banana challenge. All the contestants will grab a basket which will be filled with 30 bananas and they have to start eating them. When they find the blue banana, it is when they will receive their next clue. Jana and Cor took their taxi was started for their next challenge. Unfortunately, more than halfway through Cor remembered that he left his bag somewhere at his previous place. 

The uncle and nephew took the boat to find the blue banana along with Ben and Jackie. After a long day, it was Darren and Tristen who were the first team to check-in. As a reward, they would get a hotel upgrade from a normal one to a luxurious one.

We can see Ben and Jackie on the boat who are going for their next mission. On the other hand, Darren and Tristen are the first ones to check-in. They seems quite about about it and were seen talking about it with their family.

Emma and Hailey are in a hurry and Ben and Jackie are on the second position. Their clue was to find the blue banana which they found very easily. They immediately received their next clue where they had to find Blue. The other contestants looked tense as they were falling behind. 

Harry and Teddy are in the third place now. They are quite familiar with the bananas. They both believe that they will do better than many people. Beck and Kate are currently in fourth place. They met up with Harry and Teddy. The major problem was Harry and Teddy was going to eat banana faster than Beck and Kate. The second team to check in was Ben and Jackie. Interestingly, it was Jackie’s birthday. 

Peter and Frankie are on the boat for the banana process. Harry and Teddy got their blue banana and received their next tip along with Beck and Kate. George and Pam were in the eighth place and they were coming in the banana very late along with George and Pam who were in the 7th place. Both the teams have to eat bananas until they find the blue banana. All the team were already filling up after eating a few bananas. Soon the father-daughter duo got their next clue. Pam and her partner was surely not doing very well. All the other three teams came and found out the blue banana sooner than they expected. 

8:51 pm

Harry and Teddy and Emma’s team are going together. Harry stood up in the boat for their next clue and they became the third team to check in and Emma and Hailey became the fourth team to check in. Bec and Kate became the fourth team to check-in. On the other hand, George and Pam were not doing very well and still finding their blue banana.

We saw Jana and Cor coming from a boat to the banana spot. They believed in themselves after they saw George and Pam still finding their blue banana. Cor after having a terrible day, was having fun eating the banana. Allie and Angie became the sixth team to check in on the pit stop. On the other hand, Peter and Frankie were the seventh teams to check in. 

George and his partner were frustrated as they were going to the last team. They were only asking the man to go as fast as he could. Jana and Cor became the 8th team and they revealed how they had a bad day. The mother-son duo did not have a good day. Unfortunately, George’s team came last for their next tip. The banana section for these guys was not good. George and Pam might have become the last team to check in but, the interesting part was it was a non-eliminating round. Hearing to this they were really happy about the decision as they would get another chance to prove themselves.

Q1. Who got eliminated on Amazing Race Australia tonight?

 No one got eliminated from The Amazing Race Australia tonight.

Q2. Who stood first on tonight’s episode of Amazing Race Australia?

Darren and Tristen are the first ones who finished the race.

Q3. Why George’s team was not eliminated despite being last?

This episode did not have any elimination set and that is the reason why no one was eliminated.