The Bold and the Beautiful is an American drama television series that has been running since 1987. The original network of the series has always been CBS which has been alongside the series for 36 seasons. The soap opera series that focuses on the lives of businesses of the wealthy and the powerful Forrester family can be viewed from the official website of CBS.
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Why Are People Watching The Bold and the Beautiful?
The mixing of the twisting storyline along with the amazing line of casts in the series has been the sole reason why people are watching The Bold and the Beautiful television series. The series has proved to be a successful series even though it did not receive a higher rating from critics like IMDb. But even after 22 years of the show being running successfully on CBS, it is the kind of drama that people would want to watch.
Who All Are The Bold and the Beautiful Contestants?
The Bold and the Beautiful has got a huge line of casts ever since the series aired on CBS. The story mainly focuses on the lives of the Forrester family and every season fans witness the addition of new characters which gives a good and a compact overall performance drama throughout the season. However, let us have a look at some of the casts of The Bold and the Beautiful.
- Katherine Kelly Lang as Brooke Logan
- Jacqueline MacInnes Wood as Steffy Forrester
- John McCook as Eric Forrester
- Don Diamont as Bill Spencer Jr.
- Susan Flannery as Stephanie Forrester
- Hunter Tylo as Taylor Hayes
- Ronn Moss as Ridge Forrester
Story of Bold & Beautiful Spoilers 2023
Bold and Beautiful is currently running for its 36th season episode 231 where Thomas is seen making a selfless act and on the other hand, Steffy is stunned by Liam’s admission. Steffy keeps thinking about what the arrival of Taylor means, whereas on the other hand Ridge is overwhelmed by Brooke’s betrayal as she fights for their love. All in all, a lot of drama has been going on in the series so far and there is more to come in the upcoming episodes.
The Bold and the Beautiful Premiere Date
July 21st 2023 is the official premiering date for Bold and Beautiful. The series has been renewed through its 37th season as well. The creators might have to stick around for at least two more seasons which may come as a piece of good news for the fans. The series is about to complete a 35 year milestone soon enough and for that the series will air a standalone episode that will be dedicated to Katherine Kelly Lang as she has been a part of the show since the show’s debut.