Well, The Voice Australia 2023 is in its final few weeks the previous night we witnessed the epic battle among the star contestants with each coach taking the stage to battle it out to advance to the final stages. At the beginning of the episode we saw all the eight semi-finalists being introduced one by one.

All they have come a long way and every one of them will be having a fierce battle to stay ahead for the grand finale position. Coaches have to choose the right artist to take to the final stage. There is no margin for error now.

Read More : Meet The Voice Au Finalists

Team Jessica Semifinal Performance

The semi-final episode started with the amazing artists from coach Jessica Mauboy’s team. It was the epic battle between artist Ezra Williams and David Aumua. First fans witness coach Jess having a little chat with Ezra.

Ezra Williams vs. David Aumua

The both shared conversations about Ezra’s entry into the semi-final and how her interest grew in singing because she comes from a line of singers in her family. Ezra received the full support from her family and it proved that it felt like she needed that to give her a spark.

Coach Jessica’s Song Choice

However, it was time to put efforts into her next performance so coach Jessica chose the song, ‘Afraid To Feel’ by LF System.

Read More : The Voice Au Winner

Ezra’s Performance and Reactions

Ezra was amazed to receive this song from her mentor because it was her fav song. Even though it was her fav song it was not so easy. She needed everything to be perfect out there so there was no chance that she could tolerate even a hairline of mistake during her performance.

Her competition with David is a huge challenge for her. Confidently she took the stage after a lot of hard-work and effort on her rehearsals. The stage was designed so beautifully and Ezra’s performance began with a strong and positive note with a lot of energy in it. This performance from Ezra was like something new from her and it was simply beautiful from her.

Coach Jessica’s Proud Moment

As soon as her song ended she received a standing ovation from the coaches. Coach Jason said that it was such an amazing performance. It was the kind of performance that the semifinals should have.

Everyone was just so  impressed with the performance that she put on. Coach Jessica said that she was super proud to have coached her. Coach Jessica will be choosing her finalist at the end of the show. 

Team Rita : Semifinal Performances

Tarryn Stokes’s Journey

Next up was artist Tarryn from team Rita Ora. Rita Ora had revealed that she is a great artist and is looking to have a great performance for her semi-finals. Tarryn was seen having a conversation about her personal life and how her kids motivated her to be on such a big show in the country.

Coach Rita’s Song Choice : “The Scientist”

She revealed that she suffered depression which was quite challenging for her. But, singing was a thing that she always loved and she enjoyed her journey in The Voice as well. Coach Rita chose the song, ‘The Scientist’ by Coldplay.

Tarryn’s Outstanding Performance

Coldplay songs are so meaningful and it is a group that almost every musical fan loves. So, the song should do justice and it was the only thing that Tarryn kept thinking throughout her rehearsals. Tarry looked confident and so different while she took the stage last night.

Starting off with a low note Tarryn gave the best performance of her life. The high notes were simply amazing and it felt like a beautiful cover of a beautiful song.

Coaches’ Reactions

Coaches instantly stood up and gave her a standing round of applause. The crowd went crazy after her performance. Tarryn literally gave goosebumps to everyone out there. Coach Guy complimented her beautiful voice while Jason said that she is gifted with an amazing voice. He said that Tarryn’s gift is going to inspire a lot of people. 

Team Guy Semifinal Performance

Bella Mackenzie’s Semi-Final Battle

Team Guy had two really great artists for the semi-final stage battles. With Charlie and Bella, everyone will be surprised to know who would end up in the grand finale because both of them are such good singers. It is going to be impossible to choose between the two.

Coach Guy’s Song Choice : “Two Strong Hearts”

Bella Mackenzie was the one who took the stage first from Team Guy. It was a huge moment for the youngster and Guy wanted this performance to be only about ‘Bella’s Voice’. Guy chose the song, ‘Two Strong Hearts’ by John Farnham.

Bella’s Magical Performance

Guy Sebastian seemed like he was super excited to see her on stage. Bella was seen rehearsing a bit before she took the stage. She needed a lot of work in this song and Guy helped her where she needed to work on. As a coach he reminded her strength which was important.

Coaches’ Appreciation for Bella

Crowd cheered as Bella took the stage. Her performance was magical and so was her voice which created a great impression among the coaches. Thanks to Guy Sebastian for choosing such a great song and how it suited Bella in the previous episode.

But, Charlie is one strong artist who would have to compete with another amazing artist like Bella. Coaches were so proud of Bella. Jason said, ‘Tonight you just knocked out of the park’. 

Team Jason

Coach Jason Derulo has always been a straightforward person when it came to judging. He always wants what is best for his team. So, fans knew that the next performance from team Jason will be exciting.

Ethan Beckton vs. Callum (Last Semi-Final Battle)

It was going to be a tough one between Ethan and Callum. First to perform for team Jason was Ethan. Coach Jason chose the song, ‘Train Wreck’ by James Arthur. He chose this song because this song will be showing the emotional side of Ethan.

Ethan’s Emotional Performance

Ethan had revealed that he had a difficult childhood because his parents separated when he was young. But, he always found love in singing and being in the semi-finals was a great moment for him. Coach Jason wanted to give his best in his performance. He just has to take the moment in the semi-finals.

His voice was beautiful as he performed this incredible song on the stage last night. His voice left everyone speechless. Fans never saw this version of Ethan. Everyone felt goosebumps running as Ethan ended his song in style. Coach Jason seemed to be so proud of him. Coach Rita said that his performance was the best throughout this season. 

Team Jess – Semifinal Performance

David’s Semi-Final Journey

David was next from team Jessica to take the stage now. Congratulations to him for making it to the semi-finals. He is one of the most favorite artists in this season.

While David thought that he was not good enough, he did not realize that he was great at what he does, which is singing. He revealed that he always felt insecure about his body. But, coach Jess knew the right way to make things right to motivate him. 

Coach Jess chose a beautiful piece for him which was ‘I Won’t Give Up’ by Jason Mraz. It was a great song and it is a song that has always helped David to push through and never give up. Everyone was super excited for David to take the stage with such an amazing song. His family was there to support him in the semi finals which boosted his motivation level.

David’s Emotional Performance

The song was an emotional one and David did everything as expected. There was a choir for David which lightened up even more. Fans and viewers did not want this song from David to end because it was emotional and as well as fun. 

Team Rita

Emily’s Semi-Final Battle

Artist Emily was up next to battle it out in the semi-final stage from Rita Ora’s team. It was now high time for her to give her all in her next performance because it will decide her fate of getting into the grand finals or not. Coach Rita chose the song, ‘Can’t Get You Out of My Head’ by Kylie Minogue.

Rehearsing it out, Emily required a lot of work in this song. She had a bit of trouble in the chorus part because there were high notes there.

Coach Rita’s Song Choice

Coach Rita wanted to give her some activity to feel more comfortable. So, she decided to smash some plates because this activity will release all the stress and negativity.

Both of them did a bit of that and got their frustration out. But, it’s not about smashing plates because it’s about singing. She is going up against Tarryn which is going to be a difficult semi final road for her. 

Well, once again she delivered an exceptional performance. This performance was something different because there were additional unknown artists on the stage. Coaches were wowed after her performance. But, is it enough to get her to the grand finals? Only time will decide. 

Team Guy

Charlie was the next and final artist from Team Guy. His performance has always been exceptional and always did justice to whichever song he was thrown at. He has got an amazing capability with his voice which is an added advantage for him to move to the grand finals.

Charlie Pittman’s Final Performance

Coach and mentor Guy Sebastian chose the song, ‘Take On Me’ by A-Ha. It was a difficult one for Charlie and it is the only chance that he needs to grab to prevent being eliminated in the semis.

Coach Guy’s Song Choice

The song included super high notes which could be complicated for Charlie to manage. Well, proving everyone wrong he delivered a masterpiece out there last night. He is just a great musician and he just proved that through his performance last night. Those high notes were simply perfect and everyone enjoyed every bit of his performance. 

He was appreciated by all the coaches. Guy seemed like he was super proud of Charlie Pittman for being in his team. But, it was going to be a difficult decision for Guy in the end. 

Team Jason : Callum’s Semifinal Performance

Callum was the final artist who took the epic stage last night with an epic song. His vocals and his ability to create beautiful high notes got him this far in the show.

Now, it is time to bring a lot more to the stage because it is the semis. Jason wanted to see the greatest performance of all time from Callum and leave everyone out there impressed. Jason chose the song, ‘Never Enough’ by Loren Allred.

It was a big challenge for Callum to master. Callum had to tell the story through his music. He wants to make everyone feel through this song. Callum took the stage with confidence. He started with a low note which was wonderful in itself. 

He finished his performance in style and left everyone speechless. Coach Rita Ora said that it was quite a powerful performance. All 8 semi-finalists have now performed and soon it was time to find out who will be going home and who will remain to become the next ultimate winner after the grand finale.

Guy Sebastian’s Exclusive Performance 

Before moving on to the nail biting selections from the judges, coach Guy had planned a surprise for the audience and as well as his fans in the semi final episode.

There is no doubt as to why he is an exceptional singer and why he is the perfect coach in the show. He sang his single, ‘I Chose Good’ in the episode.

His entry was stylish and so was his voice. It was a beautiful performance from the coach. He showed how it should be done to the world. Every bit of his song was loved by everyone out there. It felt like he was dedicating this song to all the contestants that had performed in The Voice. 

The Final Decision : Finalist Selections and Eliminations

  • Team Jessica: Ezra (Selected), David (Eliminated)
  • Team Jason: Ethan (Selected), Callum (Eliminated)
  • Team Guy: Charlie (Selected), Bella (Eliminated)
  • Team Rita: Tarryn (Selected), Emily (Eliminated